You can fly your flag. Hold a steady job. Take care of your little dog. And suck the life from the living. People do it every day. It’s subtle. They get away with it (except in the end, they don’t). The purpose of life is expansion. The loving evolve. The un-loving de-volve. Diminish. Disappear. A living death, operating with no connection to one’s soul. No one smiles behind their eyes because no one is home.
To prey on the innocent is a lowly existence. To feel better about your self by crushing someone else is to be very lost indeed. What happened to your love, that it should be so badly broken? Who shattered it so completely? How does love restore love? Love whispers, but the imperious turn away. Safety is paramount, to the loveless. They build their walls, defying you to penetrate. And they will die in the rubble, when the walls come tumbling down. They will die alone and heartless and afraid, crying out for mercy to a Love they could not believe in.
LBM 3/20/2010 (I stink at links. U-tube, Mahalia Jackson singing)