White in a World of Wonder
Sky white with winter, clouds dense with inevitable snow, I watched three seagulls circling the sun. White on white, everything white. So dazzling, it made me feel like weeping. How I long for a time when the world was white. Fresh and innocent. Pure, in the absence of color.
When the world was white, love was transparent. The garden was mine; its every loveliness a mirroring of my heart. When the world was white I knew no shame. Shame blotted out the sun and the mirror, darkened by shame’s shadow, reflected only ugliness.
When the world was white, there was no pain.
Anything emptied was immediately re-filled.
Nothing was ever lost and no one ever turned away.
When the world was white, I was a wonder in a world of wonderment. Wondering. Wonderful. White in a world of wonder . . .
LBM 3/1/05