Where Do Poems Come From?
Or, Not going to be a saint today.
Or, We the People aren't interested in the Supreme Court giving tax breaks to already wealthy corporations
Or, She said she was using that bird bath which has been laying on its side outback for 6 years now, a gravestone?
Or, my friend John Hamer said a saint can have snarky edges
Or, why would she not forgive me if my heart was in the right place?
Or, watching trailers is more fun than full movie.
Or, if it really is a tick, the crusty scab in my right ear I can't dig out which is hurting me to keep on trying, wouldn't I be sick by now?
Or, climate change is *not* a hoax.
Or, if I had to work so hard just to title a poem I'd quit writing.
LBM 10/19/2020