Thoughtless Decisions
We are like kindling. All of us, just waiting for the tiny spark which ignites the powderkeg of rage. Yesterday a woman pulled out in front of me on Rt. 20. I was going fast, no one on the road, enjoying it (I don’t get out much). She couldn’t wait 3 seconds for me to pass? And then, to make it worse (accidentally on purpose?), she crept along like a geriatric tortoise on tramadol. Flames burst from my ears and out the window. I did not give her the horn, remembering my “We’re all in the boat together” line but I was more than a little angry. She might have let me pass. I was obviously in a hurry.
I wonder what precedes the “Me First” mentality, the thought before the action. There likely *is* no thought, which has always been my problem. I can’t accept anything I can’t make sense of. Waste of energy, to try so hard, but I gnaw on that bone til it falls apart in my mouth and I still won’t give it up.
LBM 10/28/2020