This Summer Morning
(This prayer-poem is a surprise, after going to bed so angry at the groundhog in the backyard eating my precious poppies. So Mad. Not even words for How Mad. There’s a spot under the gate he can get through, glad I saw him-er before it was too late).
Lord, thank you for birds and trees.
For music and words.
For love and laughter.
Thank you for beauty, that we might rise high enough
to overcome our emptiness and embrace the ethereal,
ephemeral wonder of creation.
Thank you for your showering of blessings, for showing
us the wisdom of living in harmony, and giving us the
strength to drop our petty diatribes.
Teach us your forgiveness.
Help us to honor truth.
Lead us ever closer to your purity and grace.
Let us lie from the soul-center, where nothing has been
divided or rejected. Heal our hearts, and guide us to the
tender joy of unity. Amen.
LBM 6/26/2022