The Relief of Peace
Yesterday I startled two deer in the woods. Suddenly afraid,
as well they might be, not knowing my intentions. I’ve lived
with fear, the cold metallic taste of it and it’s not living. It’s
barely surviving. Just waiting for the next disaster.
It’s hard to break free from the grip of it. It’s grasp is powerful
and everywhere and there’s no antidote (peace has yet to be
discovered). Peace begins in the body, with the breath. Breathe
deeply into it, the fear, and underneath is something else ~
sadness, confusion or helplessness. Keep breathing. Give your
mind a soft pillow, invite it to rest and if it keeps on, threaten
it with duct tape
No one wants to be enslaved by such a cruel master. Constantly
spewing worst case scenarios, dismaying statistics, good reasons
to give up hope. On the other side of fear is a calm river of peace,
and it’s worth the hell to get to it. I’m not saying you’ll find
perfection, but it’s a kinder, gentler way to live with paradox and
Trust in the benevolence of the Universe. Imagine you deserve
Love’s guidance and put your faith in the future of Peace, which
begins here, now, everywhere. Every heart, receiving. Every
breath brings us closer to believing.
LBM 12/14/2023