The Power of Love
Yesterday, over the little fence which tries to protect
my flowers and the little birds, I found a cacophony
of feathers. Big and little, sweet, sad, poignant.
Mourning Dove. They were everywhere. No birds,
no bodies. I worried about them.
This morning I heard a call and was relieved. I feel
badly that I made fun of them. “Goofy birds”, I said.
As if I’ve never been goofy. I had no idea how to
protect myself from predators. I learned the hard way.
Quite a few feathers pulled out before I learned to pay
Am still learning. Am still naive. Am still fiercely protective
of those I love. As if the fierceness of my love could protect
them. As if even the thought of my love might protect them.
LBM 4/27/2023