The Devil Made Me Do It
We laugh when we say that. It’s funny but it’s not. The devil (I prefer ‘Satan’. Lucifer is too lovely) is incapable of goodness. Think about it. Incapable of creativity, appreciation of beauty, compassion and empathy. Kindness. What wonders has he bestowed on life? All his ministrations have been destructive. He has gathered a sorry team and they will never win anything lasting, beautiful or productive. They will die in their angry hatred and feel justified. Perhaps you doubt there’s a devil. Perhaps you doubt there’s a God. It’s natural. You cannot doubt that there is good and evil in this life, and every day, every decision, you are choosing one team or the other. Are you on the side of Love and kindness or have you given up on it? You will leave behind a legacy of acts. How fondly will we remember you? I want to die with a kind word on my lips. I want to give my all to goodness.
LBM 7/7/2019