Something to Believe in
I have a friend who thinks one should never
look back, always move forward. It sounds
good on paper. I don’t know that it’s that easy.
Focus on your dreams forget your nightmares.
The past is the past and yet, it hasn’t passed
if you’re still in it.
I remember, recall, am reminded of, conjure up less
and less of what has happened. It’s made me who I
am and I’m thankful for the experience, but to pretend
it didn’t happen and put a happy face on it is what
brought me to the edge (and pushed me over).
You need one trusted listener who won’t tell you
you’re stupid. One true friend to see you. One good
reason to get out of bed. One enduring faith in the
power of love. One compelling mission to make the
world a better place. One great question you need
to have answered. One beautiful something to
believe in.
LBM 5/26/2023