An unrelenting battering, as you plead with the gatekeeper to let you in. Your tears do not move him. Your stricken eyes fail to engage his tenderness. He refuses to back down, he will not be dissuaded. Don’t hate him. It will only make things worse (and give him much more power than he deserves). Don’t throw yourself at the gate, expecting mercy. Pain is unmerciful, and will test your resilience. He often wishes he could be gentler, but he has lessons to transmit, and can’t be swayed by compassion.
Do not lose sight of hope. Hope is a fierce ally, a true and loyal friend. Take her hand, and let her lead you out of darkness. When Hope knocks, the gatekeeper will open. Once safely inside this sacred space, pain retreats, and you are granted a well deserved reprieve. Close your eyes. There is solace in silence. Replenishment for the body and spaciousness for the soul. Breathe into it. As the silence washes over you, like a cleansing Summer rain, sink into it; as if listening to a great symphony. Let it fill you with its grace. Watch your thoughts drifting gently in the mind’s sky, weightless and at ease. Softer than falling snow, Peace enters as pain is leaving. Feel their mutual respect, as they bow to one another.
May the door of your heart remain open and inviting. May wisdom guide and protect you, and grant you many blessings. May you respond without resistance. May Love shine from your eyes like a Light on a stormy sea. May the pain you’ve endured become a fertile soil for blossoming; like an exquisite Lotus flower, rising to greet the sun. May you proudly claim your legitimate inheritance of Peace.