The patriarchal domination-exploitation ideology has taken what it wanted/needed, what it thought it deserved to have, at the expense of exhausting the vital resources of this vast and beautiful country we’ve been entrusted with. When the birds and animals are no more, when the air is un-breathable and the water un-drinkable, will that finally be enough? When the people who have been gravely harmed by greed, cruelty, callousness, rise up and say, “No More”, will that finally stop this madness? Will we ever, as a people, be one nation, indivisible, or are they words on paper with no meaning? What we meant to say, perhaps, was “An eye for an eye.” “If you are lacking, it’s your own fault.” “We were here first” (rarely true). “We are superior to you” (not if we’re equal). “This land is our land” (not yours. Never again yours). “We know how to make this country great” (probably won’t live to see it).
As long as there is dualism, us against them, “shit hole countries”, there will never be equanimity, there will never be peace. Peace is not the absence of war. It’s a faith, a trust, that war will never again be necessary.
LBM 12/6/2021