Say Yes
In the dark and holy silence, something beautiful is born. Be still and wait in wonder. Our openness is everything. Say yes.
LBM 12/19/2019
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Sound out of silence.
Time out of mind.
The world goes on repeating.
We’re gracious guests on this great earth.
When we are gone, our bodies turned to dust,
by which gift shall Love remember us?
LBM 12/27/2009
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Deep in the monastery of the soul, where only beauty is permitted, breath is essence and beauty is peace and peace is love and love is beauty and breath and peace and essence and … See how you can sit forever, never growing old?
LBM 11/26/2020
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The Glory of Love
I have loved, and been well-loved. I have tasted beauty and savored joy and wandered into wonder and I am not afraid to die. Fear is a merciless master and I have struggled to be free of him. I don’t believe his lies.
On the other side, everyone I’ve ever loved will return to me. Richer, deeper, more exquisitely dimensional and I will glory in that glory, forever.
LBM 4/27/2018
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The Work of Truth
Shattered and scattered. Smattered and splattered. Flattered and battered. This world uses you and spits you out, knocks you out, lays you out cold. Descends and devours, preys on the innocent. Don’t be naive. Go in fully armed, suited in the armor of Love, and watch Truth do the work she was meant for.
LBM 12/23/2019
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The Best is Yet to Come
The dark ones want to put out our Light. They think they will win (what do they think they will win with more darkness?) Stand firmly rooted in your faith, my friends. The faith of Love, God, Humanity, Goodness, whatever holy word makes you whole, sustains your soul. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and malnourished during this time of great upheaval. Take a step back, take a break, a little rest. Don’t give up. The best is yet to come.
February 23, 2017