Keep Rowing
Cynicism is a protection against pain. A cloak against caring. A diatribe against despair. It’s easier to say no, when yes asks too much of you. It’s easier not to care when caring turns you inside out. It’s easier to turn away when turning towards frightens, confuses, bewilders you. Turn anyway. Trying to save yourself from pain brings its own pain. I say, bring it. When you live through the worst, the unimaginable, the apocalypse, you realize how strong you are, how hard you fight, how invincible your resources; you bow, with great respect, to your tenacity. Life’s storms will batter you. It’s hard to look for beauty in rough seas but I assure you it’s still and always there, waiting, hoping for you to notice; watching for your smile as you remember, even for a moment, the joy you carry so carefully.
LBM 11/27/2022