In the company of children

Lori McCray
Dec 23, 2020
Little Scotty, little me. Same profile, even our ears are the same! (I need to find the originals and see if I can make some magic)

I just had a thought I don’t know how to convey in words. I’ve always felt the presence of the child I once was, in my heart of hearts, and this morning it occurred to me that I also have the presence of the child Scotty once was, and the two of them, so loved and lovely and lovable, keep one another company in the sweetest of ways.

An early morning epiphany, Lori Beth Wilcox-McCray 12/23/2020



Lori McCray

Photographer, Poet, Musician, Mother, Mystic, Gardener, friend of wild creatures, swan whisperer. Find me on Flickr: