Hold Me Steady
I wanted to do the Lord’s work. I asked to be made an instrument for Peace. You know how naive I can be, I thought it would be all butterflies and flowers. I met another hateful neighbor yesterday, while trying to break up a dog fight. She let me have it with both barrels. I don’t even know her name. I seem to be a magnet for angry women. I did quite well, during her vitrious diatribe, but when leaving said, *^$&% YOU.” Jesus would have said, “Tell me, what *else* do you hate about me?”
It’s not that I’m not strong enough to take it, except maybe I think it is. I am so soft, I’m like Maxie’s White underbelly. Like a baby’s fuzzy head. Like the inside of a grape. Perhaps I was wrong to sign up. Perhaps I should just stay in my comfy chair and send Light. I’m laying down my sword. This pen will suffice. My photographs remain my peaceful offering to beauty. Oh Great Green Heart of the World, be my eyes and my mind and my heart, that this body may go forth peacefully. Melt the anger I meet with unwavering compassion, that I might see your shining face in the countenance of the oppressed. Be Love’s strong anchor. Hold me steady, Lord.
LBM 3/9/2019