Haiku #522
I see you’re lying
Veneer of humility
You’ll do it again
LBM 11/19/2023
It seems our neighborhood needs a den mother or something. 4 bell-ringer boys, last evening (first one we chalked up to a delivery at the wrong house #, it happens), the 6th one I put on my shoes and said, “Let’s get em”. We followed them to the playground, they were huddled in the tube like little animals, Doug shone the flashlight in there, they came out and were all sir and ma’am ~ Doug said “cops” and I said “mother” which seemed to have momentarily scared them straight. It’s on me for getting the thing fixed, for a fair amount of time it just dangled there, lolol. I love irony (I never have and never will buy that boys will be boys nonsense. If someone doesn’t teach respect, they may well grow up chucking bricks through people’s windows)