Give it your all
The work is invisible. The slow, patient process a gardener is familiar with. It can’t be hurried or forced or rushed, to suit you. There are no timetables, no graphs to chart, just estimates, amorphous. Progress isn’t always tangible, measurable, quantifiable.
How do you know you’re healing? You smile more. You notice beauty. You pay attention to your feelings. You have more compassion. You give people the benefit of the doubt. You keep things in perspective. You slide yourself a break. You find one good reason to get up in the morning and you keep getting up.
Nobody’s life is perfect. Nobody has it all together and nobody has all the answers. Your answers arrive out of your struggle to find answers. Honor the work of finding your truth and never turn away from it, never let it be trivialized or disrespected. Even if not one person understands, your truth is your life is your soul is your essence. Stand in it proudly, the soil which you have cultivated, the person you have grown. The work of Love is never, not for one minute, wasted. Give it your everything. Give it your all.
LBM 8/18/2021 for my children