No one wanted me
Saved by family
I seemed ungrateful
Picked last for the game
Not knowing the rules
Not measuring up
Ashamed of my past
A bumpkin to shape
Alone with my fear
Disturbed by my thoughts
Trapped in a quagmire
Quietly drowning
LBM 12/16/2024
For all the years I railed against structure and avoided it like the plague, it seems there’s a certain security in containment. Perhaps I was looking only at the curtailment of freedom and not the safety of limit and boundary. Also, I spend so little time looking back, the road lies ahead and what happened surely shaped me but why poke at it? Understanding was once
the be all and end all but I wonder how it really helps to move you forward. Maybe confusion is not the enemy. Maybe not knowing and acting anyway is the very best guide, the best character shaper, the best teacher of faith. Who ever really knows where they’re going, and why, and what they’ll do when they get there? It’s all part of the great adventure. Enjoy the journey.
And so what if 80 million people have already said these words. *I* am saying them now, to you, now, and now is all we have, all we’ve ever had, all we will ever have. I’m happy to be here with you, now, and for always. I love you