Call out the Lies
I grew up beneath the eyes of shame. Always watching, ever ready, a beast meaning to devour. You can appease guilt by trying harder. Shame will never let you go, until you stop believing it. Shame lies convincingly. “You are wrong and bad and stupid and ugly. No one will ever love you. You are damaged and worthless and always will be.”
Shame feeds on your receptivity. As soon as you say “No”, it begins to crumble. Call out the lies, one by one, in a loud clear voice. Reclaim your power and find your balance. Shame was wrong about you, and those who used it against you, like a weapon? Cowardly and weak. Who could ever be so mean, to make the vulnerable doubt their worth? Do you think criminals feel good about themselves?
People give up on finding meaning when it can’t be found and they grow tired of searching. Angry at those who have what they can’t seem to find, they want to hurt them (I turned my hatred on myself). If words have no inherent meaning but that which we personally assign, Love and Hate are lifeless, without action. Meaning comes from experience. Love Story’s, “Love means never having to say you’re sorry” is sentimental tripe. If you’ve hurt someone, apologize.
Our country is hurting. I’m sorry for those who value money more than life but we are free to choose what we will. I choose Love and Truth and Beauty, and most days I choose Forgiveness.
Peace is just a word, a concept, a feeling, until you live it. Live in a state of war with the world. Rest in Peace (don’t wait until you’re dead). Your decision, but be aware of what you’re choosing.
LBM 8/27/2020