Build Back Better
To go on without knowing, is the bravest thing we do, as humans. I’m pretty sure dogs don’t sit around wondering about motives and intentions: “I wonder why she left that door ajar? I wonder why he’s so late today?”
I used to be obsessed with why. Why did my parents have me and not want me? (my father cleared that up. I was a mistake). It if didn’t make sense, I couldn’t accept it, and wouldn’t move on, until it made sense (you see the hamster wheel, right?)
Whoever said, “Ours is not to reason why” was way smarter than most of us. You don’t need to know why (sure, it might be helpful), but you need to accept it, even if you never fully understand. Because if you don’t, it will eat away at you, in places and ways you aren’t even aware of, until one fine ordinary day, your foundation crumbles, and all that fragile scaffolding comes crashing to the ground.
“Build Back Better” is more than alliterative cleverness. When the trouble you’re in is clear, but the way forward is impossible to discern, don’t waste your vital energy in asking why. Rest, breathe, shore up your soul with every beautiful sensing you can imagine and try again, from the place where it started to go wrong (lucky you if it wasn’t your birth), and this time know that you were meant to have a beautiful, peaceful, productive, creative life. A life of joy and promise and inspiration, of loving friendship, blessings flowing both ways. Your life is a gift, even as its drudgery, sadness and confusion has steeped you in hopelessness.
I keep going back to Love, if I have to answer why. Why are we here? To Love. How should we spend our days? In Love. What will we leave behind? Love. What is the glue which binds us all together? Love. What is the deepest meaning of our existence? Love. What help can I offer the sorrowing? Love.
This is my poem, my prayer, my promise, my puzzle piece, gone missing, now complete. Just Love.
LBM 7/3/2021