Bella&Buzz before the snow

Lori McCray
Dec 4, 2020


It really is a pretty pond. I went clear to the end (next pic) and couldn’t find them, was disappointed, saw a man in a kayak, said hello, he didn’t. Maybe he didn’t hear me. Maybe he thought I was trespassing. It’s possible I am, but I hope to heaven no one tells me I can’t be in there. Anyway, the dude seemingly tracked me, I found Bella&Buzz way on the other side of the pond, and tried to be out of sight of his boat but no luck. At the Grist Mill Pond, no one was ever there but me, and I grew spoiled with that.
the very end of Carding Mill Pond. Or the beginning. Depending on your perspective.



Lori McCray

Photographer, Poet, Musician, Mother, Mystic, Gardener, friend of wild creatures, swan whisperer. Find me on Flickr: