Bedrock, Dismantled
“Follow your North Star” sounds poetical, but no one showed me how to read a compass. Lost in the woods? Stand still, let the path find you. Beautifully Zen. No map, no ability to decipher directions, to comprehend readings, still lost, still scared. What I lacked, was faith in my own intelligence. A trust in the resources granted me. That faith had been chipped away. Quietly eroded. Bedrock dismantled by too many sighs and rolled eyes and ‘stupid’s.
Who guides the lost, and shepherds them to safety? Which angel looks out for them? As lost as you are, can you even imagine help? What would it look like, to be offered support? If there was no shame in admitting your struggling, who would you tell what to? There’s a way out, but you must trust your own instincts. You learn to navigate in tiny steps. Balance seems impossible, in the beginning, and then you’re off and running (sure, there are lapses, but you feel where you wobbled and straighten sooner).
If you can’t find any help, keep on looking. If you can’t ask for help, keep on trying. If you can’t offer help, keep on practicing. If you’ve given up all hope, keep on believing. Big changes start small, and never stop growing. You can find your way to peace.
LBM 7/16/2023