All I Need
I can see the crazy Lilac through the bathroom window (I can’t bring myself to cut it, though friends say it’d be good for it). It’s a simple thing, the fresh green leaves coming out of a dead Winter, but it makes me almost delirious with Joy. Spring’s beauty is so magical, it can make you glad that you’re alive to see it. I wonder why, back then, in my dark days, it failed to move me. Perhaps I couldn’t see it. Perhaps I wasn’t looking. It’s not your eyes, so much as your heart, that takes in beauty. Perhaps I felt I did not deserve it. We are, all of us, broken. And all of us deserve this beauty. We always have. We always will. This is the truth. All unworthiness is a lie to make us feel bad and close our heart in shame and shut our mouths and veil our eyes because we are too true for some, too honest, and must be punished for what we see. I say, say it all. Say everything. What you see is your reality. You are special. Un-repeatable. Incandescent. See with your heart and let your eyes speak the words.
LBM 4/30/2019