A story from Lori
Doug and I have been watching “Aerial America”, a fascinating documentation of every state’s history, scenic landmarks, beginning narratives, good and unsavory people, newsworthy events, and woven through all of them, it seems, is the way we (white people, i don’t know how else to say it) march in and decimate, eradicate, with no compunction, it seems to me, whomever or whatever stands in the way of our acquiring the land and property we wish to own, even if it belongs to someone else, even if we have to lie or cheat or steal or kill and I am not proud of this heritage (not to mention enslaving people against their will and forcing them to labor), I am not proud. If you are proud, if you think you are “supreme” because of the color of your skin, I ask you to consider, well, wait, I cannot ask you to consider anything because your mind is seemingly made up, which means changing it is unlikely. Love is supreme. And hate? Hate is way far down the chain, with the grubs. Be a grub, but don’t ever let me hear you refer to yourself as special.